Happy fucking Monday 🙃 Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 28 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 3:26 PDT
Happy fucking Monday 🙃
Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 28 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 3:26 PDT
But wait there's more......... #TeamDestructionConcepts #Connertotherescue #retiringtobecomeasprinter #usainboltwatchout #whatatime #tobealive #ialmostsavedit #killmenowdandan #brokenglassconcepts #fuckyowindowconcepts #teamimdeadconcepts #Repost @kris10pope with @repostapp. ・・・ Happy Monday from Team Destruction Concepts 😻 @mattiecakesssss @samxhuston @robhill77 @connerirwin @camargo_oly #teamOC #thatwindowislit #snatchesseeyalater #byebarbye Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 28 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 5:34 PDT
But wait there's more......... #TeamDestructionConcepts #Connertotherescue #retiringtobecomeasprinter #usainboltwatchout #whatatime #tobealive #ialmostsavedit #killmenowdandan #brokenglassconcepts #fuckyowindowconcepts #teamimdeadconcepts #Repost @kris10pope with @repostapp. ・・・ Happy Monday from Team Destruction Concepts 😻 @mattiecakesssss @samxhuston @robhill77 @connerirwin @camargo_oly #teamOC #thatwindowislit #snatchesseeyalater #byebarbye
Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 28 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 5:34 PDT
"YOU AINT DONE!" Dan Dan just let me happy that it was a power #eeeeeeeeeeEEEEE @samxhuston 🙋🏻 93kg/205lb complex before the powers got a lil #suspect..... #oralotsuspect #ornotevenpowersanymore #bodyplswork #ineedyou Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 24 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 3:22 PDT
"YOU AINT DONE!" Dan Dan just let me happy that it was a power #eeeeeeeeeeEEEEE @samxhuston 🙋🏻 93kg/205lb complex before the powers got a lil #suspect..... #oralotsuspect #ornotevenpowersanymore #bodyplswork #ineedyou
Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 24 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 3:22 PDT
#tbt to the first time hitting 105kg/231lbs at around 67/68ish body weight in training right before Trials at junior nationals. Training is always rough mentally and physically, but remembering that things will all come together when your body is primed, ready and rested keeps the momentum going through these hard weeks. "What it took to get you there, won't be enough to keep you there." #letsgo Disclaimer: yes, that was a training PR. Yes, omg I posted the numbers. Only because I hit that number in comp the next weekend. The only numbers that matter are the ones performed on stage in front of 3 judges ✌🏽️ #thesquealhappensintrainingtoo #ithinkicried #dandanmighthavetoo @camargo_oly #lookitwasprettyish Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 17 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 8:37 PDT
#tbt to the first time hitting 105kg/231lbs at around 67/68ish body weight in training right before Trials at junior nationals. Training is always rough mentally and physically, but remembering that things will all come together when your body is primed, ready and rested keeps the momentum going through these hard weeks. "What it took to get you there, won't be enough to keep you there." #letsgo Disclaimer: yes, that was a training PR. Yes, omg I posted the numbers. Only because I hit that number in comp the next weekend. The only numbers that matter are the ones performed on stage in front of 3 judges ✌🏽️ #thesquealhappensintrainingtoo #ithinkicried #dandanmighthavetoo @camargo_oly #lookitwasprettyish
Un vídeo publicado por Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) el 17 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 8:37 PDT